Omar Al Atrash Dental Clinic
Personalized Care
Introducing Omar Al Atrash Dental Clinic
Personalized Care
Established in 1993, Dr.Omar Al Atrash Dental Clinic is a family oriented clinic that aims to provide its patients with the best oral health care.
What makes us different?
In Dr.Omar Al Atrash Dental Clinic, we strive to accommodate your circumstances to our full extent. We aim to make our treatments accessible to all, including non-insurance holding patients.
We accept DAMAN , THIQA , ADNIC , NAS , AXA as insurance.
A message from the Dentist:
In our clinic, we strive to provide ultimate comfort and care for our patients. We want to accommodate your needs and concerns to our full extent to ensure maximum satisfaction.
I recognize the importance of a client-centered medical experience, which inspires me to create strong and long-lasting bonds with each of my patients.
It’s a privilege to serve the community of Abu Dhabi by providing quality medical attention through sound medical advice and responsible diagnoses and procedures.
My thoughtful and personalized approach means I’m fully committed to the health and well-being of all my patients.